
Welcome to Crumb's Planet! This blog is about Global Warming and what you can do to help save the Planet.
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My goal is to get as many people as I can to help me put a
stop to Global Warming.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

The five places are going to disappear by Global Warming: From cymccwang

Mount Kilimanjaro
The Great Barrier Reef
The Maldive Islands


Mount Kilimanjaro
Do you know why Mount Kilimanjaro is very famous? Because even thought it is really close to the Equator, it still have its “ice hat”on it. But, scientists say if Global Warming keep make it heat, Mount Kilimanjaro's “ice hat”is going to be taking off. I've remember I saw some picture that shows in 2006, Mount Kilimanjaro still have its “ice hat”, but now it almost don't have any snow on it.

Do you like all those animals live in Arctic? If you do, I'm going to say sorry to you if you didn't hurry up. Global Warming made Arctic get 14% smaller in 2004~2005, it's about 730,000 square km. Think about that. THINK!!! It's about two Germany! Some people think in 2013, the whole Arctic Ocean is going to have zero piece of ice in there. Scientists said before 2040 or more earlier, Arctic and the Arctic Ocean is just an big ocean. And the animals live in Arctic are going to disappear in a few years.(Like Polar Bear)

The Great Barrier Reef
Hey, you know what? Because over fishing, coastal development, sewage, pesticide, the pollution and the Global Warming, the greatest reef on
Earth-The Great Barrier Reef-is going to disappear really fast in 2050. The temperature rises faster, the reeves disappear faster. If the Great Barrier Reef got destroyed, it need 200~500 more years to “grow up” again just like right now.

Remember the Saint Mark square? It got flooded a lot times these couple of years. Venice is facing the flood problem, the ground subsidence and environmental pollution problems because the sea level rises so fast. Venice and the Adriatic Sea only have a sand dike between them. So if the sea level rises too fast, it's going to get in a big big big big big trouble.

The Maldive Islands
Maldive Islands is joined with 1,000 islands. It's from Southern India to the Equator. Some one said in the next century it probably is cover by sea water. IPCC said in 2100, the sea level is going to rise 85 more cm. The reason is Global Warming. So if any of the island's Alt. is under 1 meter, it's going to say bye bye to us.

In the these couple of years, the Maldives government attaches great importance to environmental protection. They put forward many action initiative in Male declaration. Right now in Maldives, you cannot see anything is made from plastic-expect for electric outlet switch. The government make people on the islands 100% recycle everything and anything they can. They also told people to recycle sewage and garbage.

So, what are you going to do?
Plant trees?
Or study what they do in Maldives?